Number's Fact !

Do you like math? are you interested in numbers? So, what are you waiting for? immediately scroll down and read the instructions for using this website. Then, get ready to find out some interesting facts about numbers

How To Use?

There are several things you need to know here, namely about the type of numbers you write. There are 4 types of numbers that you can enter, namely trivia, math, date, and year. When you choose a trivia type, you are asking the program to investigate the uniqueness of the numbers you enter from a general point of view. if you select the type "math", that means you are asking the program to investigate the uniqueness of the numbers you write from a mathematical point of view. whereas if you select the type "year", it means you ask the computer to investigate the uniqueness of the year from the numbers you write (the uniqueness could be historical dates and so on). the same is true of the "date" numeric type. one more thing, if you want to enter numbers with the type "date", then you must write the numbers in the format {month} / {date}. Example 2/1 means February 1st. Remember to only enter numbers on the form so that the program runs well. if later you get "xx is an uninteresting number" it is not a bug or something. that means it could be that the number, date, or year you enter is really not unique. please try the same number with a different number type. good luck!
Let's Get Started

1. Random Fact:

2. Fact Of Custom Number :

note: this section is optional

note: please only fill in this form with numbers